Friday, November 27, 2009

Tweets: November 26, 2009

  • 08:06  大家早上好!我睡到7點15分自然醒,感覺很爽快!

  • 08:09  今天早上,我又看了一點杜魯福的『四百擊』。覺得這部電影挺好看!

  • 09:07  One of my best friends in Singapore might be migrating to Hong Kong soon. I'm saaaaaaaad...

  • 09:23  Could it be that if I twitter too much my iPhone batteries get used really fast? Maybe I need to recharge them more often!

  • 11:15  I make a point of drinking a cup of water at least twice during the day. Believe it helps me control my weight and prevent bad breath!

  • 14:22  My lunch break is finished. Took a little nap after lunch. Am feeling wonderful!

  • 21:09  Finished work for the day, finally! Tomorrow is a holiday, luckily!

  • 21:39  フランス映画『400 Blows』は、今朝から英語字幕に切り替えました。英語字幕は翻訳が上手で読んでいて快適です。香港産のDVDの中国語字幕は、「広東なまり」が強いことがあるので要注意です。

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