Sunday, November 22, 2009

Tweets: November 21, 2009

  • 10:38  Just hopped on a taxi, on my way to my hairstylist's. I'm really lucky that I've found a good hairstylist!

  • 10:42  I've uploaded a new post on my blog and notified my Twitter ID to my readers. Will wait and see when I will get my

  • 10:48  Arrived at my hairstylist's ahead of my appointment at 11. Will sit around and tweet some more. This is so much fun!

  • 10:55  昨晚看了魯豫有約的錄像,這次的嘉賓是珠寶設計師萬寶寶。我覺得這個女孩子形象很特別,才華橫溢,又有一顆純潔善良的心,給我印象特別深刻!

  • 10:58  據說方大同最近上了魯豫有約做嘉賓,我很想看那一回採訪!

  • 11:13  Barely into my second day of Twittering, and I'm already hooked on it!

  • 12:16  Just got a new haircut and I'm feeling like a new person!

  • 12:19  There's always a million things running through my head, and I wanna say them out loud to everybody. Twitter enables me to do just that!

  • 12:22  Am riding a bus now, on my way home. Need to do the laundry in the afternoon and also study French!

  • 12:29  理了一次髮花了八十塊新幣,不過我覺得這筆錢花得很值得!

  • 12:41  今天的午餐是海南雞飯!每逢週末,我一定會吃一次雞飯,真是百吃不厭!

  • 12:48  正在享用美味至極的海南雞飯,同時在聽王菲的廣東歌曲。

  • 12:51  By the way, my hairstylist is a Japanese guy. He is damn good!

  • 12:57  I think embracing new technologies is a lot of fun! It's really cool that I can stay connected to the world through these fantastic tools!

  • 12:59  I'm thinking maybe I can post these tweets on my blog at the end of each day as a summary of what went through my

  • 13:03  The problem with iPhone is that the batteries get used so fast. I can hardly get through the day without recharging them!

  • 13:06  Having said that, I still luuuuuuuuuv my iPhone!

  • 13:10  Will I really get addicted to Twitter? I think I will!

  • 13:23  Amazing! I've got 2 followers of my tweets already! I've no idea how they found my tweets!

  • 15:08  I have just recharged the batteries of my iPhone! Now that they are fully charged, I should have no problem till the end of the day.

  • 15:09  そんなことよりも、早く洗濯を終わらせて遊びに出かけるつもりです!

  • 15:31  Just discovered how to type French characters with accents such as à, é, ê, etc on my iPhone. It's really cool that I can type French now!

  • 15:38  我還不敢嘗試用法語寫我的tweet,因為我的法語還太差。不過我也不著急,到時候我的法語學好了,我會自然而然地寫法語。一切都不必勉強,順其自然就好!

  • 19:20  Just woke up from a nap. Ended up sleeping for more than three hours. Didn't get to go out this afternoon, but it doesn't matter.

  • 19:30  Got 3 more followers of my tweets during my sleep this afternoon. Not bad...

  • 19:57  Normally when you get followed on Twitter, should I follow them back? I'm afraid that if I follow too many people

  • 20:28  我雖然愛聽方大同的歌, 但是不怎麼欣賞他的造型,尤其是他的頭髮。另外我覺得他太瘦了,好像沒有怎麼鍛鍊身體。他要是再健壯一些,可能就會有一種氣魄。衷心地希望他能夠越唱越紅!

  • 21:06  終於打掃完了我的房間,再過15分鐘我的衣服也會洗完!感覺真不錯!明天我會玩個痛快!

  • 21:11  I've found that I can pack much more info in a tweet in Chinese than in English, given the limited number of char

  • 21:19  不懂現在外面在放映些甚麼好看的電影?我已經很久沒有上電影院看戲了。新加坡的電影院的問題是,冷氣開得太強,感覺像在冰箱裡一樣!

  • 21:59  苫米地英人著『残り97%の脳の使い方』を夕食を食べながら読みました。2回目です。今後もまた読み直すと思います!

  • 22:02  Now that I've finished my dinner, I need to get back to my apartment and study French!

  • 23:03  ただいまフランス語勉強中。センテンス10個作成完了です。これから語彙収集に入ります!

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