Monday, November 23, 2009

Tweets: November 23, 2009

  • 08:10  Woke up at 7:15 as usual. Slept for 7 hours straight, which is not bad! It will be another wonderful week!

  • 10:32  Am taking a short break from work right now. Afer a good night's sleep last night I am feeling fresh as a daisy!

  • 10:35  By the way I'm determined to finish work tonight at 6:30 sharp, on the dot!

  • 11:25  I've found that my attention span tends to be longer in the morning than in the afternoon. Guess I should take fre

  • 12:56  It's freezing cold in the office with the air conditioning on full blast! I've put on my leather jacket lest I be frozen to death!

  • 13:41  Off to lunch now...finally!

  • 14:28  勝間さんの『断る力』は、目から鱗の連続です!!!

  • 17:29  1 more hour to go before I leave the office for the day!

  • 20:05  My colleagues keep asking me why I'm wearing a smile all day long. Well, I'm just happy I guess! La vie est belle!

  • 22:00  家に帰ってからしばらくインターネットで遊びました。これからフランス語の勉強です!

  • 23:22  今日の勉強は無事終了です!これからブログをアップデートして寝ることにします!

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