Sunday, November 29, 2009

Tweets: November 29, 2009

  • 01:27  Just finished watching the movie "Deconstructing Harry" directed by Woody Allen. It was really funny and I laughted a lot during the movie!

  • 01:31  Among Woody Allen's works, I like "Manhattan" the best, but I also like his recent works shot outside of

  • 01:34  Luckily my wireless Internet connection just got fixed. I will do my online shopping tomorrow. There are tons of books and DVDs to buy!

  • 10:08  'Morning! Woke up a short while ago. Started my day by surfing the Net with my iPhone. It's going to be another wonderful day today!

  • 11:40  Watched the Spanish movie "Women on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown" this morning. I've seen it a dozen times, but I still love it!

  • 12:57  Now that I've finished my sumptuous lunch, I need to get back to my French learning!

  • 14:37  Am taking a breather from my French learning now. I'm already halfway through today's portion. It's fun as usual!

  • 14:40  正在聽大陸歌手孫楠於幾年前所推出的『燃燒』專輯。他的歌喉確實不錯,我很喜歡!

  • 15:08  今日のフランス語の勉強がさっき無事に終わりました。これからネットで買物をします!

  • 18:06  ネットでのショッピングは完了です!商品を厳選していたので時間がかかりました!

  • 23:37  さっき夜の買物を終えて家に帰ってきました。面白い雑誌を買いました。ブログで紹介したいです!

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Tweets: November 28, 2009

  • 10:54  Morning! Woke up at 9:45, but stayed in bed until just now, surfing the Net using my iPhone.

  • 10:57  Will watch shortly the remainder of the movie "The 400 Blows". I have roughly 20 minutes remaining on this film.

  • 12:11  Am now at Arab Street, sitting at a French restaurant, waiting for the food to be served. This restaurant serves excellent food!

  • 12:48  I'm about to finish lunch. After I get back to my flat, I need to study some French as usual!

  • 12:55  Finished watching the movie "The 400 Blows" this morning.

  • 12:57  Now I want to see the movie "Stolen Kisses" by the same director.

  • 15:27  I've just finished learning French for the day. I'm really thrilled that my French is improving day by day!

  • 16:59  これから買物をします。と言っても、出かけるのではなくて、ネットでフランス語のイディオム関係の本を幾つか購入しようと思います!

  • 23:09  There's something wrong with the wireless network at my place and I can't get connected to the Internet with my PC. It sucks, big-time!

  • 23:12  Given that I can't surf the Net with my PC, I'll do some reading or watch a DVD to kill my time! Hope the problem will be fixed tomorrow!

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Friday, November 27, 2009

Tweets: November 27, 2009

  • 01:48  今夜はフランス語の勉強中に仲良しの友人から電話が入り、そのまま長電話をしてしまいました。今やっと勉強が終わったところです!でも友達とのお喋りって必要ですよね!

  • 10:48  我從3點鐘一直睡到了10點鐘,真舒服!現在正在一邊喝咖啡,一邊看『魯豫有約』。今天的嘉賓是電影『花木蘭』的導演跟幾位主演。我覺得趙薇很漂亮,很性感,人也特聰明。我也很驚訝地發現房祖名的國語講得超流利,真想知道他是在哪裡學會了這麼好的國語。

  • 10:56  真的,我一點也聽不出房祖名的廣東口音,聽上去跟臺灣的男孩子一模一樣。我也想重新好好學習普通話!

  • 12:42  又學了25條法語的成語,真是越學越過癮!

  • 14:39  僕は今、フランス語のイディオム辞典で良いのがないか調べています。例文が載っていてイディオムの使い方が分かりやすいのが必須です。

  • 14:53  とりあえずフランス語のイディオムは500項目マスターしたいです。1日25項目で、約3週間かかる計算です。イディオムができるとフランス語の理解度もグンとアップします!

  • 15:07  やっぱり僕は単純暗記が苦手なので、イディオムもスラングも例文を通して学びたいです。

  • 15:13  それにしてもフランス語のイディオムって、中国語の四字熟語ほど辞典類が充実していないので、良い辞典を探すのが結構大変です。

  • 15:35  それにしても、英語でもフランス語でも、普通の小説を自由に読みこなせるレベルに到達するのって、すごく大変なことですよね。僕のフランス語は、まだそのレベルには到達していません。

  • 18:55  今日は語学の勉強に関していろいろ考え事をしました。のちほどブログにまとめて発表します。

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Tweets: November 26, 2009

  • 08:06  大家早上好!我睡到7點15分自然醒,感覺很爽快!

  • 08:09  今天早上,我又看了一點杜魯福的『四百擊』。覺得這部電影挺好看!

  • 09:07  One of my best friends in Singapore might be migrating to Hong Kong soon. I'm saaaaaaaad...

  • 09:23  Could it be that if I twitter too much my iPhone batteries get used really fast? Maybe I need to recharge them more often!

  • 11:15  I make a point of drinking a cup of water at least twice during the day. Believe it helps me control my weight and prevent bad breath!

  • 14:22  My lunch break is finished. Took a little nap after lunch. Am feeling wonderful!

  • 21:09  Finished work for the day, finally! Tomorrow is a holiday, luckily!

  • 21:39  フランス映画『400 Blows』は、今朝から英語字幕に切り替えました。英語字幕は翻訳が上手で読んでいて快適です。香港産のDVDの中国語字幕は、「広東なまり」が強いことがあるので要注意です。

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Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Tweets: November 25, 2009

  • 07:42  トリュフォー監督の映画『400 Blows』は昔のパリの様子を見ることができて、とてもいいです!

  • 08:32  最近アメリカの放送局NPRを聞いてアメリカ英語の発音を研究しています。アメリカン・アクセントは本当に奥が深くて難しいです!

  • 08:32  さっきオフィスに着きました。今日もがんばります!

  • 10:06  Am taking a breather is shaping up to be another wonderful day!

  • 11:59  By the way, this coming Friday is a public holiday in Singapore, so we have a long weekend coming up! I still don't know what I'm gonna do!

  • 20:07  終於回到了家,可以鬆一口氣!吃完晚飯之後,我還是會照常學法語!真是越學越有趣!

  • 21:32  剛剛看完了今天的『魯豫有約』。今天的嘉賓是演員余榮光。我覺得他的人生故事非常精彩!他所做的努力與敬業的態度,很令人欽佩!

  • 21:33  現在開始學習法語!

  • 23:27  フランス語の勉強は無事完了です!これからブログをアップデートして寝ることにします!

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Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Tweets: November 24, 2009

  • 07:06  Good morning! Had another good night's sleep and am feeling wonderful!

  • 07:42  今天早上我開始看了法國著名導演杜魯福的電影『四百擊』的DVD。這盤影碟是在香港製作的,所以它的中文字幕不免有一點"廣東腔",水準遠遠不如臺灣的中文字幕!我覺得中文字幕還是應該堅持使用標準國語!

  • 08:09  既然這樣,這盤硬碟還是乾脆改用英文字幕觀賞吧!

  • 10:29  One-minute break from work right now to do some stretching! By the way, I've got 9 followers of my tweets as of today.

  • 15:25  Am taking another 1-minute break, as I was getting a bit drowsy. Did some stretching as usual to refresh my mind, and am feeling better now!

  • 19:32  吃完了晚餐,現在是享用甜點跟咖啡的時間!真開心!

  • 20:31  勝間さんの『断る力』を読み終えました!この本は読みっぱなしにするのではなくて、得られた知識を実践に応用したいです!

  • 22:15  現在在一邊學法語,一邊聽蔡健雅的My Space專輯。超好聽,超舒服!

  • 22:39  我最近一直在學法語的成語。覺得非常有趣。我希望能夠學會上百、上千條的成語!

  • 22:50  今日の勉強は無事に完了しました!25個フランス語のイディオムが学べて、とても嬉しいです!

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Monday, November 23, 2009

Tweets: November 23, 2009

  • 08:10  Woke up at 7:15 as usual. Slept for 7 hours straight, which is not bad! It will be another wonderful week!

  • 10:32  Am taking a short break from work right now. Afer a good night's sleep last night I am feeling fresh as a daisy!

  • 10:35  By the way I'm determined to finish work tonight at 6:30 sharp, on the dot!

  • 11:25  I've found that my attention span tends to be longer in the morning than in the afternoon. Guess I should take fre

  • 12:56  It's freezing cold in the office with the air conditioning on full blast! I've put on my leather jacket lest I be frozen to death!

  • 13:41  Off to lunch now...finally!

  • 14:28  勝間さんの『断る力』は、目から鱗の連続です!!!

  • 17:29  1 more hour to go before I leave the office for the day!

  • 20:05  My colleagues keep asking me why I'm wearing a smile all day long. Well, I'm just happy I guess! La vie est belle!

  • 22:00  家に帰ってからしばらくインターネットで遊びました。これからフランス語の勉強です!

  • 23:22  今日の勉強は無事終了です!これからブログをアップデートして寝ることにします!

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Tweets: November 22, 2009

  • 00:39  今夜はInternet Explorerの調子が悪くて何回も勉強中にエラーメッセージが出ました。Google Translatorを昨日インストールしたのですが相性が良くないみたいです。

  • 00:50  決定今晚不再上網了!會繼續看法國電影『去年在馬倫巴』的DVD。

  • 01:20  I'm currently watching French movie "Last Year at Marienbad". The problem is that I don't understand it at all! It's too profound for me!

  • 01:22  I am right now halfway through the movie. I'll watch the rest tomorrow. Think it's quite artistic and beautiful all the same!

  • 01:41  現在正在收看臺灣Channel V的音樂飆榜節目。我已經很久沒有看流行歌曲的排行榜了,都不知道現在在流行些甚麼樣的歌曲!

  • 01:49  剛剛看了蕭亞軒跟羅志祥合拍的MV。我覺得他們超酷!

  • 01:56  排行榜的第一名原來是蕭敬騰的新不了情。我不怎麼喜歡他的唱腔。

  • 02:04  Now I am watching The Practice, my favorite program!

  • 03:18  Am lying on my bed now, getting ready to sleep. Have set my alarm for 8 tomorrow morning, as I don't want to oversleep.

  • 03:21  今夜は苫米地さんの本を再度読んで、ようやくエフィカシーという用語の意味を理解できました!

  • 08:24  Just woke up a few minutes ago. Have a feeling that it's going to be another wonderful day today!

  • 09:00  剛剛吃完了早餐,現在就開始學習法語!

  • 10:25  今朝は新しい方法でフランス語のイディオムを15個学んで見ました。効果が上々ならブログにて公開します!

  • 10:31  剛剛聽了陶喆的太平盛世專輯,非常好聽!我覺得他還是適合唱R&B!

  • 10:35  The Internet explorer is working well today, luckily! I know that it was the WordTranslator of Google Translate that was causing the error.

  • 11:55  Just finished surfing the Net. Read my favorite blog, but I'm not gonna tell you which one. It was brilliant and thought-provoking as usual!

  • 13:11  これから勝間和代さんの『断る力』を読みます。

  • 14:48  『断る力』は半分まで読みました。これからまたフランス語の勉強に戻ります!

  • 14:51  Like the concept of "return maximization" put forth in Ms Katsuma's book!

  • 17:33  ただいまフランス語のイディオム勉強中です!現在ちょっと休憩中。イディオムは面白いです!

  • 17:34  As of now I have 8 followers of my tweets. Hope the number can increase in the coming weeks!

  • 17:43  今天下午看了鳳凰衛視關於中國跟阿爾巴尼亞兩國之間的經貿援助關係的紀錄片。內容非常有趣。我覺得鳳凰台製作的節目很有質量!我最愛看的節目是『魯豫有約』!

  • 17:46  For those of you who follow me, do you find it disruptive that I switch from language to language? Code-switching constantly occurs to me!

  • 18:39  勉強が終わりました!これから外に出かけて遊んできます!

  • 21:00  這是我於今晚在新加坡的市中心拍攝的照片。我熱愛這個城市的紙醉金迷與繽紛燦爛!

  • 21:24  I've learned today that stress leads to oxidization and makes you age faster. Need to avoid having too much stress in life!

  • 22:32  Just finished watching French movie "Last Year at Marienbad." Didn't understand the movie at all!

  • 22:38  今朝は早起きしたおかげで、もう眠気が襲ってきました。日曜の夜に早寝できるのは幸せです。新しい1週間も快適なスタートを切れるでしょう!

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Sunday, November 22, 2009

Tweets: November 21, 2009

  • 10:38  Just hopped on a taxi, on my way to my hairstylist's. I'm really lucky that I've found a good hairstylist!

  • 10:42  I've uploaded a new post on my blog and notified my Twitter ID to my readers. Will wait and see when I will get my

  • 10:48  Arrived at my hairstylist's ahead of my appointment at 11. Will sit around and tweet some more. This is so much fun!

  • 10:55  昨晚看了魯豫有約的錄像,這次的嘉賓是珠寶設計師萬寶寶。我覺得這個女孩子形象很特別,才華橫溢,又有一顆純潔善良的心,給我印象特別深刻!

  • 10:58  據說方大同最近上了魯豫有約做嘉賓,我很想看那一回採訪!

  • 11:13  Barely into my second day of Twittering, and I'm already hooked on it!

  • 12:16  Just got a new haircut and I'm feeling like a new person!

  • 12:19  There's always a million things running through my head, and I wanna say them out loud to everybody. Twitter enables me to do just that!

  • 12:22  Am riding a bus now, on my way home. Need to do the laundry in the afternoon and also study French!

  • 12:29  理了一次髮花了八十塊新幣,不過我覺得這筆錢花得很值得!

  • 12:41  今天的午餐是海南雞飯!每逢週末,我一定會吃一次雞飯,真是百吃不厭!

  • 12:48  正在享用美味至極的海南雞飯,同時在聽王菲的廣東歌曲。

  • 12:51  By the way, my hairstylist is a Japanese guy. He is damn good!

  • 12:57  I think embracing new technologies is a lot of fun! It's really cool that I can stay connected to the world through these fantastic tools!

  • 12:59  I'm thinking maybe I can post these tweets on my blog at the end of each day as a summary of what went through my

  • 13:03  The problem with iPhone is that the batteries get used so fast. I can hardly get through the day without recharging them!

  • 13:06  Having said that, I still luuuuuuuuuv my iPhone!

  • 13:10  Will I really get addicted to Twitter? I think I will!

  • 13:23  Amazing! I've got 2 followers of my tweets already! I've no idea how they found my tweets!

  • 15:08  I have just recharged the batteries of my iPhone! Now that they are fully charged, I should have no problem till the end of the day.

  • 15:09  そんなことよりも、早く洗濯を終わらせて遊びに出かけるつもりです!

  • 15:31  Just discovered how to type French characters with accents such as à, é, ê, etc on my iPhone. It's really cool that I can type French now!

  • 15:38  我還不敢嘗試用法語寫我的tweet,因為我的法語還太差。不過我也不著急,到時候我的法語學好了,我會自然而然地寫法語。一切都不必勉強,順其自然就好!

  • 19:20  Just woke up from a nap. Ended up sleeping for more than three hours. Didn't get to go out this afternoon, but it doesn't matter.

  • 19:30  Got 3 more followers of my tweets during my sleep this afternoon. Not bad...

  • 19:57  Normally when you get followed on Twitter, should I follow them back? I'm afraid that if I follow too many people

  • 20:28  我雖然愛聽方大同的歌, 但是不怎麼欣賞他的造型,尤其是他的頭髮。另外我覺得他太瘦了,好像沒有怎麼鍛鍊身體。他要是再健壯一些,可能就會有一種氣魄。衷心地希望他能夠越唱越紅!

  • 21:06  終於打掃完了我的房間,再過15分鐘我的衣服也會洗完!感覺真不錯!明天我會玩個痛快!

  • 21:11  I've found that I can pack much more info in a tweet in Chinese than in English, given the limited number of char

  • 21:19  不懂現在外面在放映些甚麼好看的電影?我已經很久沒有上電影院看戲了。新加坡的電影院的問題是,冷氣開得太強,感覺像在冰箱裡一樣!

  • 21:59  苫米地英人著『残り97%の脳の使い方』を夕食を食べながら読みました。2回目です。今後もまた読み直すと思います!

  • 22:02  Now that I've finished my dinner, I need to get back to my apartment and study French!

  • 23:03  ただいまフランス語勉強中。センテンス10個作成完了です。これから語彙収集に入ります!

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Saturday, November 21, 2009

Created My Twitter Account!

Hello from Singapore!

This is to let you know that I have finally created my Twitter account yesterday!

From today onwards, I will be posting my tweets regularly on this blog, so you can see what goes through my mind during the course of the day. What's shown below is my tweets from yesterday.

If you already have a twitter account, please follow my tweets on Twitter! My ID is @UnclePolyglot. Looking forward to receiving your feedback soon!

Wish you all a wonderful weekend!

Fri, Nov 20

  • 13:35  I have just created my Twitter account!

  • 13:55 View from Marina Square food court today. Cloudy in Singapore today.

  • 14:41  眠くなったら、僕は足の指を思いっきり「パー」の形に拡げるようにしています。血の巡りが良くなって頭がスッキリします!!!

  • 16:11  今、避難訓練中です!

  • 21:53  iPhoneでTwitterを使えるアプリをさっきインストールしました。有料ですがランドスケープ・モードも利用できてとても便利です!

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