Sunday, October 26, 2008

Went to Books Kinokuniya Today!

I went to Books Kinokuniya at Orchard this afternoon.

The reason why I went there was that, I was looking for a beginner's manual on starting an English-language blog.

I flipped through a beginner's manual titled "Blogging for Dummies", and found that might be a good place for me to start my first English-language blog.

Also in this manual, I've learned about, a website which provides a web tracker service. I have just embedded their tracking device into this blog site; it allows me to check how many visitors have come to view my blog site, and where those visitors are from. It's a really cool device!

I have yet to notify anybody about the launch of this blog site, but today I have put a link to this site in my Japanese-language blog ( in an inconspicuous place, so it's possible that some curious readers will eventually find out about this English blog, and start visiting this blog on a regular basis.

However, I would be more delighted if my readership can grow into non-Japanese speakers of many different countries, as I do not content myself with getting my messages out to Japanese readers only.

In the beginning stages, I am going to take this nice and slow, but when I get into the swing of things, I will start to make serious efforts to make this blog an immensely popular blog among non-Japanese readers!

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