Sunday, January 12, 2025

Read "Talent is Overrated"

A few weeks ago, I finished reading the book Talent is Overrated, authored by Geoff Colvin. I read the Japanese translated version that I bought during my vacation in Japan last November. Out of the numerous self-help books I’ve read over the years, I’m convinced that this book will be one of the most influential in shaping the next few decades of my life.

To summarize, as its title suggests, this book argues that your innate talent, i.e. genetics are not as important a factor in determining your success in your chosen field of excellence, be it in work, academics, arts, or sports, as it’s generally believed to be. Rather, the book reveals that it’s the amount and intensity of deliberate effort that you put in over the years that really count toward ensuring your success.

As a language-learning enthusiast, there are several takeaways from this book that I can apply to my study of English, French, and Chinese.

First, Colvin argues that in order for you to succeed, you need to keep putting in substantial amounts of deliberate effort, for years on end. He mentions that most world-famous athletes and musicians put in at least 10 years of intensive practice before producing outstanding results in their fields and achieving stardom.

Furthermore, deliberate effort should involve practice sessions that bring you moderate amounts of discomfort. If you keep doing things that bring you no pain, you won’t achieve that much improvement. For example, most drivers learn and improve their driving skills in the beginning, but their skills plateau after a while as a result of automation, as their series of movements become literally effortless. Another easy example would be building up muscle through gym workouts. If you don’t endure the pain of lifting weights, you can’t expect to become muscular.

To keep growing your skills, you need to deliberately step out of your comfort zone and make endeavors in the learning zone—tasks that are slightly unfamiliar, yet not entirely foreign. In terms of language-learning, you can focus on vocabulary words and sentence patterns you’re unfamiliar with, and keep using them until you get them down pat. The author also points out that your efforts need to stay within the learning zone. If you step further out into the panic zone and take on challenges that are too difficult, you’ll only end up being discouraged. 


Second, Colvin stresses the importance of receiving feedback on your practice, so that you’ll know whether you’re exercising in the right way. Aside from taking lessons, practicing for numerous hours on your own is a must, but you also need to integrate a mechanism in which you can receive pertinent feedback.

Currently, I regularly practice expressing myself in English through writing journal entries. The beauty of this method is that I have my writing proofread by ChatGPT, which generates instant feedback on how a native speaker would express the same content. Plus, I take online lessons with my Canadian teacher, who provides his own inputs from a native speaker’s perspective, alerting me to the potential pitfalls of relying on artificial intelligence alone. I’ve learned immensely from this practice, and my fluency in the language has been improving by leaps and bounds. 

Third, if you’re lucky enough to find the right method and teacher, the earlier you get started with the practice, the better. Mozart began playing the keyboard at 3 years old and composing music at 5 years old. Tiger Woods first held the golf club to practice at 2. If you want to make a name for yourself in a certain field, there’s simply no better time than now to start practicing, as the expertise to be recognized as world-class requires years, if not decades, of deliberate and painstaking effort.

As a 51-year-old man, I certainly don’t stand a chance to become world-class in any field. That said, I’m still glad that I’ve read Talent is Overrated at this juncture of my life. I can apply the principles explained in the book to make various improvements in the things I engage in, both professionally and in private life. As long as I can keep achieving modest successes measuring against myself in the past, I’ll be more than happy. This is indeed a life-changing book for me, and I want to keep revisiting it for inspiration for years to come!

Saturday, January 4, 2025

A Blessing in Disguise?

Happy New Year!

A few nights ago, my apartment building was filled with smoke all of a sudden. I found out about this upon returning home from work. When I stepped into the building, I smelled the smoke and immediately started panicking, afraid that something might be burning inside my apartment. I also couldn’t rule out a gas leak, so I was really scared when I turned the key to open the apartment door.

Once inside, I gingerly turned on the lights, fearing that it might cause an explosion. Thankfully, nothing happened—there was neither a fire nor a gas leak inside my place. I stepped back out to check the source of the smoke. As it turned out, it was emanating from a Chinese barbecue restaurant opposite us. Their smokestack was blowing thick smoke into our building through our back door, which is only covered by a metal grid, with no plastic sheet over it.

Although I kept my apartment door firmly shut throughout the night, it couldn’t prevent the smoke from wafting into my room, and I woke up the next morning feeling sickened by the foul air.

I recorded a video of the smokestack billowing out thick smoke toward our building with my phone and forwarded it to my landlord. She in turn lodged a complaint with the relevant authorities in Singapore overseeing the food and beverage industry. I also reported this incident to the property management company of our building, but so far I haven’t received their reply.

I’ve been living in this apartment for more than 20 years, but this is the first time I’ve had to endure such unbreathable air. I imagine that this kind of complaint will take a long time to be addressed by the authorities, so most likely I’ll need to endure this unpleasant situation for at least a few weeks. To make my surroundings a bit more bearable, I’ve purchased an air purifier, scheduled for delivery tomorrow. Hopefully, it can help me breathe more normally going forward.

Speaking of improving my living environment, recently, my robotic vacuum cleaner which I’ve used for the past five years has begun to malfunction, making it unable to clean my apartment effectively. In light of the Chinese New Year sales promotion starting tomorrow, I’ve decided to buy a new one.

The model I’m thinking of buying is a combo device with dual functionality of vacuuming and mopping. Since my apartment is relatively sparsely furnished and I have no carpet on the floor, my place should be ideal for the new device to move around. I’m looking forward to experiencing an enhanced level of cleanliness in my apartment with this new device.

The recent incident of our neighborhood restaurant blowing smoke into our building has certainly been annoying and unpleasant, but it has at least helped me decide to get the most sophisticated appliances available in the market. As I’m not the kind of person who keeps chasing the latest trends, this incident could be a blessing in disguise, by making me embrace modern technology willy-nilly. I can’t wait to start using the new air purifier and vacuum cleaner!